
May 12, 2012

House Before and After: Master Bathroom

Before I go into the changes that happened over at the new house in the master bathroom, I need to remind you what kind of "master" bathroom we were dealing with at our last house. Now, keep in mind that we added tile in here several months before putting our house on the market, so that was a definite improvement, but overall the issue was just lack of space. The room was small, the vanity and counter top space was small, the shower felt small, and there were just no more storage options.

Do I miss that place?


On to the new master bathroom! This house was built in the late 70's, and it appears that a trend at the time was having the bathroom vanity IN the bedroom, kind of hotel-style. I've looked at the real estate listings for other houses in this neighborhood, and several of them have this style bathroom. Here's a picture my mother-in-law took before any of the renovations began:

I know you're digging the red bathroom and red master bedroom in the back.

Sorry, it's gone!

The door to the left of the vanity is one of the master bedroom's walk-in closets. (Yes, I said ONE of them. We're so lucky to have one for each of us!) The door to the right led to the toilet and shower area. Wait until you see this gorgeous shower they had in there...

Ew, right? Just looking at this pictures gives me the eebies jeebies.

So, in came our amazing home magicians! The opening in the wall that led to the vanity was closed in and a door was added. Goodbye hotel room! Then, the wall/door that separated the vanity from the toilet and shower was taken down. It was amazing how this opened up the space. The master bathroom actually feels like a master bathroom now and we're loving not feeling cramped in there.

Ready for some pictures?

This picture is from right before we moved in, so we hadn't got furniture in the master bedroom yet, nor had we found a mirror for the bathroom. But doesn't it look so much better now that the bathroom is closed off?? And an added bonus is the lack of blood red paint...

Fast forward to today...

Adam's dad could have set the piping up to have two sinks, but it was more important to us to have more counter top space. We don't regret this decision. We generally don't find ourselves using the sink at the same time. The vanity is from the same series as our half bathroom vanity. Didn't realize it until they were both installed! The handles on this vanity were brushed nickel, which didn't go with our faucet or lighting, so we just spray painted them. No problem there!

There's Adam's closet!

Moving on to the other side of the room...

A close-up of what's on the wall:

I had several people (ladies) that came to our housewarming party ask where the shower curtain came from. I got it at Marshalls. I never intended on keeping it in this bathroom. It was a temporary solution when we first moved in, but now I like it! It gives me a lot of colors to work with and it matches our wall paint great.

And PS- If you haven't already, please switch your standard shower curtain rod to a curved one. It is amazing how much extra room you'll get in the shower! Trust me on this one!

Behind the curtain:

This room is pretty much done. You may be concerned by the lack of curtains, but where that window is located it's almost impossible for anyone to get a glimpse of anything inappropriate. haha. I may just do sometime on top for color/interest.

Thanks for stopping by! Hope your weekend is off to a great start, friends!

Masterpiece Monday
Strut Your Stuff Saturday

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful makeovers Dana! I love the colors in here, and you've really incorporated touches of them throughout the whole house. Love it!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love know what you think!